English | Chinese
Liner Yang
Associate Professor
Beijing Language and Culture University
Email: lineryang [at] gmail.com
I am an Associate Professor at the School of Information Sciences, Beijing Language and Culture University. I
graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, where I was advised by
Prof. Maosong Sun and worked in the Tsinghua NLP Group. My main research interests are artificial intelligence,
natural language processing, AI for Education, and AI for Engineering. I received CCL 2022 Best Paper Award and CCL
2023 Best Paper
- Ruining Chong, Luming Lu, Liner Yang, Jinran Nie, Zhenghao Liu, Shuo Wang, Shuhan Zhou, Yaoxin
Li, and Erhong Yang. 2024.
MCTS: A Multi-Reference Chinese Text Simplification Dataset. In Proceedings of LREC-COLING
- Haoyu Wang, Shuo Wang, Yukun Yan, Xujia Wang, Zhiyu Yang, Yuzhuang Xu, Zhenghao Liu, Liner
Yang, Ning Ding, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, and Maosong Sun. 2024.
UltraLink: An Open-Source Knowledge-Enhanced Multilingual Supervised Fine-tuning Dataset. In
Proceedings of ACL 2024.
- Yujie Wang, Chao Huang, Liner Yang, Zhixuan Fang, Yaping Huang, Yang Liu, Jingsi Yu, and
Erhong Yang. 2024.
Cost-efficient Crowdsourcing for Span-based Sequence Labeling: Worker Selection and Data
Augmentation. In Proceedings of CCL 2024.
- Lin Zhu, Meng Xu, Wenya Guo, Jingsi Yu, Liner Yang, Zehuang Cao, Yuan Huang, and Erhong
Yang. 2023.
Automatic Construction of the English Sentence Pattern Structure Treebank for Chinese ESL
learners. In Proceedings of CCL 2024.
- Yang Liu, Meng Xu, Shuo Wang, Liner Yang, Haoyu Wang, Zhenghao Liu, Cunliang Kong, Yun Chen,
Yang Liu, Maosong Sun, and Erhong Yang. 2024.
OMGEval:An Open Multilingual Generative Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models.
- Jingsi Yu, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Meishan Zhang, Lin Zhu, Chenhui Xie, Yujie Wang,
Haozhe Lin, Maosong Sun, and Erhong Yang. 2024.
Cross-domain Chinese Sentence Pattern Parsing. arXiv:2402.16311.
- Luming Lu, Jiyuan An, Yujie Wang, Liner Yang, Cunliang Kong, Zhenghao Liu, Shuo Wang, Haozhe
Lin, Mingwei Fang, Yaping Huang, and Erhong Yang. 2024.
From Text to CQL: Bridging Natural Language and Corpus Search Engine. arXiv:2402.13740.
- Jinran Nie, Liner Yang, Yun Chen, Cunliang Kong, Junhui Zhu, and Erhong Yang. 2023.
Lexical Complexity Controlled Sentence Generation. In Proceedings of CCL 2023.
(CCL 2023 Best Paper Award)
- Liner Yang, Xin Liu, Tianxin Liao, Zhenghao Liu, Mengyan Wang, Xuezhi Fang, and Erhong Yang.
Is Chinese Spelling Check Ready? Understanding the Correction Behavior in Real-World Scenarios.
AI Open.
- Ruining Chong, Cunliang Kong, Liu Wu, Zhenghao Liu, Ziye Jin, Liner Yang, Yange Fan,
Hanghang Fan, and Erhong Yang. 2023.
Leveraging Prefix Transfer for Multi-Intent Text Revision.
In Proceedings of ACL 2023.
- Jinran Nie, Xuancheng Huang, Yang Liu, Cunliang Kong, Xin Liu, Liner Yang, and Erhong
Yang. 2023.
End-to-end Hard Constrained Text Generation via Incrementally Predicting Segments.
Knowledge-Based Systems.
- Yingying Wang, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Renfen Hua, Erhong Yang, Maosong Sun. 2023. The
Construction of Chinese Multi-dimensional Learner Corpus: YACLC.
Applied Linguistics.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Chenhui Xie, Zhengsheng, Liner Yang, Tianxin Liao, and Erhong Yang. 2023.
Automatic Construction of Sentence Pattern Structure Treebank.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Jingsi Yu, Jialu Shi, Liner Yang, Dan Xiao, and Erhong Yang. 2023.
Automatic Transformation of Enhanced Dependencies in Chinese.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Jinran Nie, Liner Yang, and Erhong Yang. 2023.
Lexically Constrained Text Generation Based on Segments Prediction.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Chenhui Xie, Zhengsheng, Liner Yang, Tianxin Liao, and Erhong Yang. 2022.
Automatic Construction of Sentence Pattern Structure Treebank.
In Proceedings of CCL 2022.
(CCL 2022 Best Paper Award)
(in Chinese)
- Liner Yang, Chengcheng Wang, Yun Chen, Yongping Du, and Erhong Yang. 2022.
Controllable Data Synthesis Method for Grammatical Error Correction.
Frontiers of Computer Science.
- Cunliang Kong, Yun Chen, Hengyuan Zhang, Liner Yang, and Erhong Yang. 2022.
Multitasking Framework for Unsupervised Simple Definition Generation.
In Proceedings of ACL 2022. [paper][arXiv][code]
- Cunliang Kong, Yujie Wang, Ruining Chong, Liner Yang, Hengyuan Zhang, Erhong Yang, and Yaping
Huang. 2022.
BLCU-ICALL at SemEval-2022 Task 1: Cross-Attention Multitasking Framework for Definition
In Proceedings NAACL-HLT 2022.
- Yue Cui, Junhui Zhu, Liner Yang, Xuezhi Fang, Xiaobin Chen, Yujie Wang, and Erhong
Yang. 2022.
CTAP for Chinese: A linguistic Complexity Feature Automatic Calculation Platform.
In Proceedings of LREC 2022.
- Jiaxin Yuan, Cunliang Kong, Chenhui Xie, Liner Yang, and Erhong Yang. 2022.
COMPILING: A Benchmark Dataset for Chinese Complexity Controllable Definition Generation.
In Proceedings of CCL 2022.
- Junhui Zhu, Xin Liu, Liner Yang, Hongbin Wang, and Erhong Yang. 2022. Chinese Grammatical
Structure Features and its Application in Automatic Grading of L2 Texts.
Applied Linguistics.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Jialu Shi, Xinyu Luo, Liner Yang, Dan Xiao, Zhengsheng Hu, Yijun Wang, Jiaxin Yuan,
Jingsi Yu, and Erhong Yang. 2022. Construction of a Treebank of Learners Chinese.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Cunliang Kong, Xuezhi Fang, Liner Yang, Yun Chen, and Erhong Yang. 2022.
LitMind Dictionary: An Open-Source Online Dictionary.
- Zhenghao Liu, Xiaoyuan Yi, Maosong Sun, Liner Yang, and Tat-Seng Chua. 2021.
Neural Quality Estimation with Multiple Hypotheses for Grammatical Error Correction.
In Proceedings NAACL-HLT 2021.
- Yingying Wang, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Yijun Wang, Xiaorong Lu, Renfen Hu, Shan
He, Zhenghao Liu, Yun Chen, Erhong Yang, and Maosong Sun. 2021.
YACLC: A Chinese Learner Corpus with Multidimensional Annotation.
arXiv:2112.15043. [blog][arXiv][data]
- Shengsheng Zhang, Yaping Huang, Yun Chen, Liner Yang, Chencheng Wang, and Erhong
Yang. 2021.
Few-Shot Domain Adaptation for Grammatical Error Correction via Meta-Learning.
- Qinan Fan, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, and Erhong Yang. 2021.
Chinese Definition Modeling Based on BERT and Beam Search.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Shengsheng Zhang, Guina Pang, Liner Yang, Chencheng Wang, Yongping Du, Erhong Yang,
and Yaping Huang. 2021.
Personalizing Grammatical Eror Corection for Chineseasa Second Language.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Liner Yang, Cunliang Kong, Yun Chen, Yang Liu, Qinan Fan, and Erhong Yang. 2020.
Incorporating Sememes into Chinese Definition Modeling.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. [link][arXiv][code]
- Yong Hu, Heyan Huang, Tian Lan, Xiaochi Wei, Yuxiang Nie, Jiarui Qi, Liner Yang, and Xianling
Mao. 2020.
Multi-task Learning for Low-resource Second Language Acquisition Modeling.
Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Web and Web-Age Information Management Joint International Conference on
Web and Big Data (APWeb-WAIM 2020).
- Dan Xiao, Erhong Yang, Minghui Zhang, Tianying Lu, and Liner Yang. 2020.
Dependency Annotation Guideline for Chinese Inter-language.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Chencheng Wang, Liner Yang, Yingying Wang, Yongping Du, and Erhong Yang. 2020.
Chinese Grammatical Error Correction Method Based on Transformer Enhanced Architecture.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Haitong Zhang, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Shan He, Yongping Du, and Erhong Yang.
Gated Context-Aware Network for Definition Generation.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Tianzuo Zhang, Qinan Fan, Zhenghao Liu, Yun Chen, and Erhong
Yang. 2020.
Toward Cross-Lingual Definition Generation for Language Learners.
- Wenjing Zhang, Huimeng Zhang, Liner Yang, and Endong Xun. 2019.
Multi-grained Chinese Word Segmentation with Lattice-LSTM.
Journal of Chinese Information Processing.
[paper] (in Chinese)
- Liner Yang, Chencheng Wang, Tianxin Liao, and Erhong Yang. 2019.
The BLCU System in the BEA 2019 Shared Task.
In Proceedings of BEA 2019.
- Hongkai Ren, Liner Yang, and Endong Xun. 2018.
A Sequence to Sequence Learning for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction.
In Proceedings of NLPCC 2018.
- Liner Yang, Meishan Zhang, Yang Liu, Maosong Sun, Nan Yu, and Guohong Fu. 2018.
Joint POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing with Transition-based Neural Networks.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing. [link][arXiv]
- Liner Yang, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu, Yong Cheng, Jiacheng Zhang, Zhenghao Liu, and
Huanbo Luan. 2017.
Neural Parse Combination.
Journal of Computer Science and Technology.
- Liner Yang, Xinxiong Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, and Maosong Sun. 2017.
Improving Word Representations with Document Labels.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.
- Xianling Mao, Yijing Hao, Qiang Zhou, Wenqing Yuan, Liner Yang, and Heyan Huang.
A Novel Fast Framework for Topic Labeling Based on Similarity-preserved Hashing.
In Proceedings of COLING 2016.
- Liner Yang and Maosong Sun. 2015.
Improved Learning of Chinese Word Embeddings with Semantic Knowledge.
In Proceedings of CCL 2015.
Created on 02/26/2019, last updated on 05/18/2024.